Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back to Reality

Ok, so here is a quick post after a long morning drive back to Erie, Penna.

I just got back from seeing my sister Bekah in Norfolk VA. (Stay tuned for photos!!) It was the most amazing trip! My mom and I went together so that was really fun, and we had a great time going on mini "adventures" on the way down.

While we were there we went to the zoo, and to the beach, and to see some lighthouses, all in all it was fantastic.

So how does this even pertain to life as a college student? Well here it is, remember to take time for yourself. I am constantly going to meetings, and work, and group projects, all on-top of class and it's easy to forget to slow down and breathe. When you have the chance to step back for a few, DO IT! It's really important to be able to collect your thoughts once in a while and not burn yourself out. You may be young, but contrary to popular belief we are not invincible.

Rachel's thought of the week/day: Smile. :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

This long distance thing is REALLY killing me smalls.

What up cronies?!?!

Ok so here's what you missed last week in the life of Rachel:

First things first I started writing for our campus newspaper the Merciad. I'm writing for the sport department so I'm pretty excited about being able to use some of the articles in my professional portfolio. It might seem lame but trust me, take ANY and EVERY chance you get to enhance your resume.

Since I'm the RA of the apartment building I live in it's my job to make it be all fun and exciting. So I made a new Halloween bulletin board and new decorations for the doors. I'll post pictures asap!!

Other than that I have been crazy missing my family this week more than most. But the good part about that is that I am going to see my BEST FRIEND (and sister) in one week! My mom and I are going to see her in Virgina next Thursday and I have not been more excited in quite sometime!

In other news I got a fish this week! He is a beautiful beta fish named Hamilton (name courtesy of my friend Killa B :) Anyway Ham is GREAT and really fun, believe it or not but he likes watching TV and just like his mom likes watching Sports Center before bed, so I try to leave the TV on at night. He's a great little addition to our lovely apartment!

Rachel's thought of the week: Check out the wickedly cool musician Sam Adams, a.k.a Boston's Boy!!

Peace Homies.